Monday, September 27, 2010


You may remember this dress from a previous post.  I turned this:

into this:

Well, I was never really please with it but I knew it still had potential.  Today was a scorcher, as most of you know.  It was around 110 here and I was trying to figure out what I could wear that would allow as much air flow as possible.  I was considering this dress but sleeves really were not an I cut them off.

Much better, right???  I actually like the dress now and I'll probably wear it again since were expecting 90+ weather throughout the week.  Oh California...

I got that little green belt from a thrift store for $0.45!


  1. Very cute! Great deal on the belt too. I'm not enjoying the weather here in Cali either. I currently live in the desert, so it's been up over 100 this week (Can you say ridiculous!). :O I miss the Pacific Northwest!
