Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Balentime's Day

In honor of Valentine's Day, I decided to share some slightly-valentine themed items I wore over the weekend.

I found these incredible red, suede boots at my favorite thrift store last summer.  I paid....wait for it....three dollars for these amazing boots!

I'm guessing they're at least 30 years old.  They're in excellent condition and they fit my feet perfectly.

Here comes the tragedy: although I purchased them last summer, I just wore them for the first time last weekend!  Honestly, I was a little afraid to wear them.  I didn't know what they would go with and just couldn't quite envision an outfit with them.  But now that I've worn them I kind of want the wear them every day.  I can imagine making them a staple this spring and summer with skirts and dresses.

Next, I'd like to show you the newest trend: FRIENDSHIP NECKLACES!  I don't think it's an actual trend yet, but since friendship bracelets are such a big deal right now, I decided friendship necklaces should be the next big thing.  They're simple to make and the possibilities are endless!

Finally, I'll tell you how stinkin' cheap my outfit was.  As you know, the boots cost me $3.  I borrowed the dress and bought the denim shirt at a garage sale for $1.  I made the necklace out of embroidery floss I had on hand, and I salvaged the pendants from an old broken necklace, which was originally given to me as a gift.  This brings me to a grand total of $4.  I love feeling cute for almost no cost. 

Now, you be inspired!  Go thrift store shopping.  Make a piece of jewelry out of old stuff you have laying around.  Make some adjustments to an old piece of clothing.  It's so much fun, my friends.

Happy Balentime's Day, homies!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I saw this picture floating around Pinterest a few weeks ago and I just loved the outfit.

I remembered that I bought a skirt a couple months back that would be perfect to help me recreate this look.

I bought it at a thrift store for $1.25.  Oh, how I love the monthly half-price sale!
The skirt reminded me of an Amish safari.  That's probably not a thing, but it's what came to mind.

I didn't have to do much.  I just took a bunch of the length off and hemmed the bottom.

It was a little cold the day I wore this outfit so I added a sweater.  Here's my version of the picture from Pinterest!

It was another early-morning photo shoot so my face wasn't quite awake yet.  But you get the idea of the outfit.  

Now I have to tell you a cute story.
I work with kids, which is fantastic and never boring.  I was walking with a 10-year-old girl and she said, "I like your pants-things that come out from under your dress."  I can only assume she was talking about my nylons.  Do kids not know what nylons are anymore!?  They have to at least know tights, right!?  Anyhow, she is adorable so I had to share :)